Stress Management and Relaxation Techniques from Dr. Christine Ren-Fielding

Strategies for Dealing with the Stresses of Everyday Life and Work

Stress affects everyone, but the key is understanding how to cope with it. While some people are more troubled by stress than others, everyone can benefit from stress management and relaxation techniques. Dr. Christine Ren-Fielding recommends these practical solutions to living a less stressful life.

Stress and the Physical Body

Sometimes people think they are sick, and they discover the source: stress. Stress affects people’s moods and behaviors, resulting in anything from anxiety to severe depression. It is important to understand how stress can affect your physical and mental health. Dr. Christine Ren-Fielding says that stress can cause the following:

  • Overeating and unhealthy weight gainDr. Christine Ren-Fielding notes the importance of stress management and relaxation.
  • Digestive issues
  • Headaches and body aches
  • High blood pressure and chest pain
  • Chronic fatigue
  • Problems sleeping

Pinpointing the Stress in Your Daily Life

Dr. Christine Ren-Fielding says to examine what parts of your life are causing you stress. Then you can begin stress management and relaxation techniques. Even small changes in lifestyle can have a big impact. Here are some common stressors and stress behaviors:

  • Feeling overwhelmed: Many people today feel overwhelmed. Look at your to-do list and ask yourself what is really a priority. Don’t be afraid to ask for help from family or even hire help for household chores. One person can’t do everything.
  • Emotional eating: Some people turn to food when they’re stressed. This is called emotional eating, and generally leads to feeling even worse. Mindful eating helps people both physically and emotionally. Eating healthy and with purpose allows you to enjoy your food, as well as reduce stress. Explore foods that reduce stress as you plan your healthy diet.
  • Constantly running late: Stress leads people to run behind schedule at times, causing more anxiety. Apply time-management techniques such as prioritizing your day. If you find yourself repeatedly dragging your feet, consider talking to a professional about underlying issues.
  • Feeling burned out: Dr. Christine Ren-Fielding sees many people today stressed by their careers. But anyone can feel worn down by life, so it’s important to employ self-nurturing techniques. Carve out time for yourself each day, whether through relaxation techniques or just a hot bath.
  • “I have no time for stress management and relaxation techniques!” Dr. Christine Ren-Fielding believes that you do. You don’t need much time to slow down and do something nice for yourself. Try setting aside just a few minutes a day for some ideas listed below.

Stress Management and Relaxation Techniques for Daily Life

Some people expect to relax on vacation or weekends. However, healthy relaxation techniques are learned and can be improved with practice. Make them part of your everyday life. Dr. Christine Ren-Fielding says many people find it impossible to relax while on vacation if they don’t have the tools. By learning stress management and relaxation techniques, you’ll notice the positive changes quickly.

  • Meditation. Anyone can meditate, and it’s important to know there’s no “right time.” While taking a class on meditation can help you improve your practice, you can begin right now.Set a timer. Try beginning with 3 and working your way up to 10 or 15 minutes.
    • Choose a mental focus, such as a calming word. Close your eyes and silently repeat this word to yourself.
    • If other ideas enter your head, do not worry. Focus on your word or phrase and breathe slowly and deeply.
    • Starting with your feet, relax your muscles one at a time. Work your way up to your head.
    • Try to meditate each day at the same time and continue on a daily basis. Most people find mornings or evenings work best.

Many people say the effects of meditation accumulate over time. All stress management and relaxation techniques should be approached with patience.

  • Mini-relaxation sessions. Stress management and relaxation techniques can be done in short periods of time. When you find yourself becoming stressed or fearful, try these quick relaxation techniques:
    • Practice focused breathing exercises. Put one hand below your navel to feel the rise and fall of your belly. Breathe in slowly, pausing for a count of 3. Breathe out, and again pause for 3. Continue this for 1-2 minutes, pausing after each breath in and out.
    • Release tension. Take a break to locate the tension in your body. Let your shoulders drop and your facial muscles relax. Feel your body grow heavy and sink into the chair. Sit with your hands unclenched and breathe.
    • Practice the relaxation response. This stress-relieving strategy combines techniques like cognitive restructuring, breathing exercises and body scanning. By replacing negative thoughts with positive ones, you remain calm.

Dr. Christine Ren-Fielding on Increasing Joy

Besides stress management and relaxation techniques, look for ways to love your life more. You can increase your quality of life by making healthy choices for body and mind. Consider these suggestions:

  • Regular exercise: This is key to healthy living, and you don’t have to be stuck at the gym. Try walking with friends, dancing or other alternative forms of exercise. Experts like Dr. Christine Ren-Fielding agree that exercise reduces stress and relieves many physical ailments. Try gentle exercises like tai chi or yoga, which are known to reduce stress.
  • Keep a gratitude journal. Life has its ups and downs, but keeping a gratitude journal or list can help with your perspective. Write down your positive experiences to help turn your focus towards the good despite life’s challenges.
  • Reach out. As long as you’re taking care of yourself, make sure you are reaching out to others. Activities like volunteering are good stress management and relaxation techniques. It can help us put our own problems in perspective, too.

We may not be able to eliminate stress completely from our lives, but we can reduce it. Dr. Christine Ren-Fielding believes that stress management and relaxation techniques are vital to your overall health and well-being. Do not be afraid to ask for help, and remember that ignoring a source of stress will not make it go away. Try some simple ideas today to relax your mind and help your overall health as well.

If you or a loved one would like to know about your weight loss options, consult an expert like Dr. Christine Ren-Fielding by visiting the the NYU Langone Weight Management Program.

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