Definitive Relationship Between Chronic Pain And Excess Weight — Dr. Christine Ren-Fielding

While smaller studies have explored the relationship between obesity and chronic pain, Stony Brook University researchers conducted a study of more than one million Americans and found a direct relationship between chronic pain and extra weight. The study in the journal, Obesity, used telephone interviews with to gather data.

Chronic pain defined as pain that persists for six months or more. The pain can fall anywhere on the spectrum from mild to severe, and it can be constant or intermittent.

Dr. Christine Ren-Fielding On Chronic Pain and Obesity

The researchers first calculated the body mass index (BMI) of subjects in order to categorize subjects into one of five categories: Low/Normal, Overweight, Obesity I, Obesity II, and Obesity III. Each subject was asked to report their pain levels over the past year, and the day prior to the call.

Dr. Christine Ren-Fielding was not surprised with the results which showed that compared to the Low/Normal group the groups experienced considerably more pain. The Overweight group experienced 20% more pain, Obese I experienced 68% more pain, Obese II more than doubled that rate with 136% more pain. Obese III subjects experienced 254% more pain. The researchers adjusted the results for various pain conditions and also for variables occurring due to the age and gender of participants but even after the adjustment the data is still statistically significant.

In addition to these results the study shows that people over 40 and women are affected by the relationship between obesity and pain.

Dr. Christine Ren-Fielding posits that extra weight could trigger complex physiological processes that cause inflammation and pain.

Another possibility is that medical conditions that pain as symptoms (like arthritis) could cause a person to thus weight.

As she recently , Dr. Christine Ren-Fielding recognizes that obesity can have a significant impact on overall health, negatively affecting cholesterol, blood pressure, and emotional . Luckily there are effective treatments for obesity like bariatric surgery. Learn more about your options to reduce pain and get to a healthy weight by contacting Dr. Ren-Fielding at NYU Langone Weight Management Program here.

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