Ten Healthy Habits To Try This Spring: Wellness — Dr. Christine Ren-Fielding

It’s spring. The warmer temps and longer days are energizing and motivating. Dr. Christine Ren-Fielding recommends using the warmth and light as a time to spring clean your habits. In this post we’ll look at healthy habits that can increase your wellness. Try them out, see what sticks and explore aspects of wellness you enjoy that help you get one step ahead in your health.

Healthy Habits — Wellness

In a post about healthy habits for eating and drinking Dr. Christine Ren-Fielding recommended making some simple swaps that can be made during the week. You don’t have to throw out all of your food or start living at the gym. Incorporate wellness habits into your life the same way.

Buddy Up

Do you have a friend you meet for coffee or lunch? Consider making a pact to swap those dates for walking ones instead. You’ll get more water, have great conversation, and get in more steps.

If you don’t have a walking partner at the ready, your local animal shelter needs volunteers to walk homeless dogs. Talk about being motivated to go!


Journal your way to healthy habits and greater wellness.There’s a reason bullet journals and fitness journals are popping up all over social media. Writing things down, setting goals and checking in forces us to be accountable to ourselves. Learn about journaling and try out different formats to find the one that works with your personality.

A simple way to start? Start each day with a glass of water and your journal. Write down a fitness goal for the week (yes, the same one every day). Next write down why you want to achieve it. Many people find it helpful.

Get In Your Head

Meditation is wildly popular. Find five minutes a day, in the morning or before bed, to connect with your breathing and clear your mind. Honing this focus can teach you how to tune out stress and stay mindful throughout the day.

The habit of daily check-ins with yourself or a partner will keep you focused on building a healthy habit. Not everything works for everyone but try out new healthy habits to see which work for your lifestyle and keep going toward your goals.

Weight Loss with Dr. Christine Ren-Fielding

Do you need help with weight loss and developing healthy habits?  Call Dr. Christine Ren-Fielding at the NYU Langone Weight Management Program to explore your options.

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