Cross Training Room Etiquette

Cross Training Room EtiquetteCross training rooms are spaces where people can go through circuits or do larger area floor exercises like those for agility. These rooms often have members running in to do intervals of aerobic exercise, sit ups or ladder jumps. Dr. Christine Ren-Fielding knows these can be intimidating. Here are some basic rules.

Clear the way. Because these are used during HIIT and other high speed intervals, it’s always good to leave a pathway into the room from the door. Avoid working out near the door.

Don’t clutter the space. Bosu and medicine balls, jump ropes, ladders and matts are just a few of the items that find their way into these rooms. It can clutter up quickly if people aren’t good about cleaning up after themselves. Dr. Christine Ren-Fielding advises against being someone who doesn’t pick up their stuff after a workout. The worst members are those who run out of the room, grab water and then leave saying they are “done” or “have to get home” or back to work. Equipment clean up should be factored into every workout.

The Most Embarrassing Mistake You Might Make

Cross Training rooms are tricky. They just look like an empty room with equipment. But that’s what studios (for spin or yoga or any other group fitness class) look like. Workout in the proper room and always check the door for a “reserved” notice. An easy way to avoid confusion is to ask for a tour of your gym and check the class schedule.

If you are working out in a room and a class is coming, finish your current set and then move to another space that is clear for your workout. Don’t be rude to staff members about this. If your gym doesn’t post schedules for room use suggest it!

Dr. Christine Ren-Fielding, NYU Langone Weight Management ProgramAs you work toward a healthier you you’ll find that the gym is your new favorite place. Having a firm grasp on gym etiquette will help. Check out advice from Dr. Christine Ren-Fielding regarding gym etiquette:

And don’t forget to check out this post about overall etiquette.

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