Bariatric Surgery: “It’s About More Than Weight Loss,” Offers Dr. Christine Ren-Fielding

Dr. Christine Ren-Fielding, a surgeon at NYU Langone, has been following a landmark trial on the effects of bariatric surgery on overall health. The trial, Surgical Treatment And Medications Potentially Eradicate Diabetes Efficiently (STAMPEDE), was started three years ago and charted the effect of bariatric surgeries, medication, and counseling versus medication and counseling alone, on patients who were both obese and suffering from type 2 diabetes.

Bariatric surgery, like gastrectomy and gastric bypass, are surgeries performed on the stomach and/or intestines to facilitate weight loss. Gastric bypass alters the stomach, dividing it into a smaller upper and larger lower chamber and connecting the small intestine to the new smaller chamber. Gastric sleeve, also known as gastrectomy, removes about 80% of the stomach but leaves everything else intact.

Dr. Christine Ren-Fielding, like many in her field, is happy with the STAMPEDE trial as it shows that surgeries of this type are beneficial far beyond weight loss. The trial observed 150 patients:

  • All 150 received medication and counseling.
  • 50 underwent gastric sleeve or gastrectomy
  • 50 underwent gastric bypass

The results, three years later, are compelling. In addition to weight loss the surgery proved helpful in other areas of patients’ health and wellness.

  • About 93% of the bariatric surgery patients no longer need to take insulin whereas fewer than half of this amount of the medication and counseling only group were able to stop.
  • 35% of the bariatric surgery patients either achieved remission from diabetes or much improved control of their blood sugar. None of the medication and counseling patients achieved these results.
  • The bariatric surgery patients have seen marked improvement in their quality of life but none of the medication and counseling patients reported the same.

Additionally, the patients who underwent bariatric surgery required less medicine for blood pressure and cholesterol than those in the medication and counseling only group.

NYU Langone Bariatric Surgeon Dr. Christine Ren-Fielding believes that bariatric surgery is one step in an overall path to wellness and is pleased that STAMPEDE has shown the tremendous benefits of these surgeries along with other lifestyle changes. Bariatric surgery, especially when performed early, can help patients see their type 2 diabetes go into remission, lower their cholesterol and blood pressure and be more satisfied in their lives overall. If you suffer from type 2 diabetes and are moderately to severely overweight contact Dr. Christine-Ren Fielding to explore whether or not bariatric surgery could help you improve your overall health.

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