Outcomes of Gastric Bypass vs. Gastric Sleeve Surgery — Dr. Christine Ren-Fielding

2017 Study Compares Weight Loss Surgery Outcomes After Five Years

Two of the most commonly performed weight loss surgery procedures are gastric bypass surgery and gastric sleeve surgery. A new study by Perrone and colleagues compared the long term outcomes of each. Here, Dr. Christine Ren-Fielding compares the two surgeries and summarizes the findings.

Gastric Bypass vs Gastric Sleeve

Gastric bypass and gastric sleeve surgeries both reduce the size of the stomach. During Roux-en-Y gastric bypass, the stomach is divided near the top. This creates a smaller stomach pouch. The surgeon leaves the lower remnant pouch and arranges the small intestine to connect both.

Diagram of gastric bypass surgery.

Diagram of gastric bypass surgery procedure.

Gastric sleeve surgery (or sleeve gastrectomy) involves removal of approximately 80% of the stomach to leave a tubular pouch.

Diagram of sleeve gastrectomy procedure

Diagram of sleeve gastrectomy procedure.

With both surgeries, the reduction in stomach capacity means fullness during a meal occurs with smaller portions. Both surgeries are also effective for facilitating loss of excess weight and also resolving type 2 diabetes. But, how do they compare?

Comparative Study of Weight Loss Surgery Procedures

Perrone and colleagues examined the data for 304 patients who underwent one of the two weight loss surgery procedures between 2006 and 2009. They monitored percent excess weight loss (%EWL) and improvement of comorbidities such as type 2 diabetes.

The researchers observed more immediate weight loss in sleeve gastrectomy patients. There was greater %EWL at 180 days and 1 year after follow up compared to bypass surgery. These numbers evened out at the five year mark, however. Sleeve gastrectomy patients plateaued sooner while bypass surgery patients continued losing weight consistently over time.

The researchers also observed type 2 diabetes resolved at a higher rate after bypass surgery compared to sleeve gastrectomy. Aside from this difference, the two surgeries had comparable outcomes after five years.

Schedule a Consultation with Dr. Christine Ren-Fielding

Would you like more information on weight loss surgery procedures? Please contact Dr. Christine Ren-Fielding at the NYU Langone Weight Management Program.

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