12 More Healthy Habits to Track — Dr. Christine Ren-Fielding and Dr. George Fielding

Improving Health, Fitness and Happiness Every Day

Here Dr. Christine Ren-Fielding and Dr. George Fielding present 12 more healthy habits to track, adding to these first 12. Some will contribute to weight loss and all are excellent for overall health and fitness. If this seems like a lot to track, don’t worry. You don’t have to track everything. Choose the goals that seem useful for you. Many people find that their lists grow and evolves as their health and fitness improve and they seek greater challenges.

More Healthy Habits to Track for Greater Health and Fitness

    1. Distance Walked. Fitness trackers can offer you your daily distance traveled. Write down your daily total or set a minimum daily distance.
    2. Staying Under Calorie Target. Track days that you stay under your allotted calories will help with weight loss.Maintaining a regular sleep schedule is a healthy habit.
    3. Taking Medications. Did you remember to take your daily medications?
    4. Monitoring Mood/Stress. This is another that you can mark with symbols or mark as complete if it was overall a good day emotionally. If you’re trying new medication, you and your doctor may discover important
    5. Going to Bed on Time. Maintaining a consistent bedtime is an important part of good sleep habits.
    6. Clean the Kitchen Sink. Yes, really! Take care of your dishes every night and wake to a clean kitchen in the morning.
    7. Empty Your Inbox. Or if that’s impossible, create a task to take care of 5-10 emails per day.
    8. Take Care of Junk Mail. Junk mail can really stack up and create clutter. Deal with it as soon as it arrives.
    9. “Me Time.” Do something nice specifically for yourself. You deserve it.
    10. Keep in Touch. Call, text or email a friend or family member you haven’t seen in awhile. It will make your day and theirs.
    11. Go Outside. Get some fresh air and sunshine.
    12. Wear Sunscreen. Yes, every day. There are lots of moisturizers that offer sun protection to keep your skin healthy, as well.

Dr. Christine Ren-Fielding
Weight Loss with Dr. Christine Ren-Fielding and Dr. George Fielding

Dr. Christine Ren-Fielding and Dr. George Fielding are advocates of healthy habits that improve overall health and fitness. They’re also bariatric surgeons and weight loss experts.

To schedule an appointment, contact them at the NYU Langone Weight Management Program.

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